Yesterday I had my fourth round of Chemo. It was the last of the first two drugs, the A and the C. I'm happy because I am now half way through the chemo!!!!! The next drug is Taxol. While I have already lost all of my hair, the taxol may make me loose my eyelashes and eyebrows too. Which makes me realize that I am more attached to my eyebrows than I am to my hair. Losing my hair didnt' bother me too much, but losing my eyebrows would.
I also met with the oncologist this week. He said I am doing really well. But I have to have a CAT scan on my liver this week, as the prelimary ultrasound showed a small spot on my liver. They believe that its a hemo-something-or other, where two blood vessels meet and form a little pool before spitting off again, but he wants to do a CAT scan to be sure. I am glad that he is so thorough, but waiting for test results is the worst part! Thats where your imaginiation gets carried away!
I will be having a masectomy in November. I thought at first I would be having reconstruction at the same time, but now I won't be. Apparently it makes checking for reoccurance of the cancer more difficult. And I don't want anything that would hinder any more early detection. So now I have to figure out how to explain a missing breast to my 3 year old.
That has to be the very worst part, trying to figure out how to explain things to her, without scaring her. And of course the thought of both of my children growing up without me. Which of course is not going to happen, but its impossible to make those thoughts go away. Especially when the oncologist tells you that you have a "bad cancer".