Shelley's Reasons
Wednesday, 30 July 2008
CIBC Run for the Cure

A very good friend of mine has created a team for the CIBC Run for the Cure, to run in my name.  She has set a goal of $5000.  If anyone is interested in Donating to her Team it would be greatly appreciated.  Here is the link.... Her name is Deanna Collarile and she is running in Hamilton/Burlington.

Posted by shelleyschulte at 9:28 PM EDT
Tuesday, 29 July 2008
Thanks for the Support
Mood:  a-ok

I just wanted to say thank-you all so much for all the wonderful emails.  While I am having a hard time replying to all of them, I definitely read and cherish them all.  I have started a binder of them to take to Chemo with me to keep my spirits up.

I am determined to beat this.  This ugly thing has already taken the lives of two of my Aunts, one very recently in June.  Fortunately, we didn't know about mine before she passed, as I'm sure that would have broken her heart.  But I will not let this terrible "C" word take another one of our family.  We have suffered enough already and I won't let my family lose another battle with this disease.  I know that I have two beautiful aunts cheering me on from Heaven, and who could ask for more than that?

Posted by shelleyschulte at 11:02 AM EDT
Saturday, 26 July 2008
Her2 +ve
Mood:  not sure

HER2 (human epidermal growth factor receptor 2) is present in 15%–25% of breast cancers. Women with HER2-positive breast cancer usually have more aggressive cancer, are at increased risk of recurrence and have a poorer survival than other women with breast cancer.


So I am not ER +ve, so no Tomaxifin, no Menopause.  But the bad news is I am Her2 +ve as above.  I have known that for a few days, but now that I've looked for more info on the internet, I am a little worried.   No more internet!  Arrghhh!

Posted by shelleyschulte at 6:24 PM EDT
Thursday, 24 July 2008
July 24th
Mood:  happy

Wow!  What an overwhelming response on my first day up!  Thanks to everyone for all of the wonderful emails and comments.  Thank-you for the lovely comments on the pictures as well.  Believe it or not those pictures were taken just 1 hour after our first visit with the oncologist, where he told us that he believed that I may be stage 4 already (terminal).  We were so emotional, and I just want to send a big hug out to the photographer, Jodi Renee (a link to her site is on my links page).  She did an amazing job, and you would never know we had just received such horrible news.  I had made the appointment with her when I first learned I had cancer, because I wanted some nice family shots for the kiddies in case the worst were to happen, and before I lost my hair.


There has been lots of good news in the past week.  The biopsy on the lymph nodes on my right side came back negative (not the side where the lump in my breast is), which is fantastic news.  It was most likely reacting to my having to stop breastfeeding, so I was completely engored!  Also, all of my other tests came back negative as well, lungs, liver, bones all clear.  Which means I am not stage IV, just stage II, which means I have a much better chance of beating this thing!  Whoo hoo!


I just finished my second round of chemo on Tuesday.  I have lost most of my hair already, it will only be a few more days before its all gone.  And those of you who know me, know how much hair I have!  The poor drains, we will probably have to call a plumber!


My daughter, Annike, hasn't noticed much yet.  I started wearing the headbands just before the hair started falling out so she would get used to those as well.  I don't think it will be much longer until she asks about it and we will have to break out "What happened to mommy's hair".


But my spirit is good, I intend to kick cancer's ass!  And all of your support has motivated me even more.


Thanks so much!


Posted by shelleyschulte at 9:11 PM EDT

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