Hello Everyone!
First off I want to apologize to those of you who may recieve this more than once, and through a couple of different forums.....
It has been one whole year since I have been diagnosed with Breast Cancer, in the cancer world we call that our Cancerversary and the more you have the better you are!!! So here's to me having a whole lot more! Friday the 26th of June was my actual one year, but I was doing a course in Toronto that day so I didn't get a chance to write this.
In some ways its really hard to believe its been a year already, on the other hand when I look back at everything that has happened during the year, its really difficult to believe its only been one year. I finished all my major treatments in January (Chemo, Surgery, and Radiation), but have an ongoing treatment every three weeks called Herceptin until sometime in November (here is a link for anyone who would like to know what herceptin is http://www.herceptin.com/adjuvant/what-is/how-does-it-work.jsp). This drug doesn't have any noticable side effects, just the potential to do damage to your heart, so I have heart scans every 3 months, and so far everything is just fine and my oncologist believes that nothing will happen from this point on, usually any damage happens at the beginning of the treatments. So I am feeling great and my hair has come back nicely, I love having short hair (its so easy) and I'm told it looks great.
I also wanted to take this opportunity to thank all of my friends and family for all of their help and support during the past year, we never could have done it without them. I also want to thank all of the people (alot of whom are people I have never met) for all the wonderful emails and best wishes throughout my treatments. It was impossible for me to respond to them all, but I want you all to know that they meant the world to me.
So just to prove that something like cancer can't keep me down I am currently training for a sprint triathalon (750m swim, 20k bike, and 5k run) at Kelso Conservation area in Miton on September 6th. So far training is going really well and I think I'll be able to complete it no problem. Then next year I'll move on to the full Olympic Triathalon! Other than that I'm just trying to keep my business going and enjoying spending time with Tom and the kids.
I am also participating in the Canadian Breast Cancer CIBC Run for the Cure again in October, this year I have set a goal of raising $5000. If you would like to contribute to this goal, or join me on the run, please see the link below.
Help create a future without breast cancer. Support me on October 5th as I participate in the Canadian Breast Cancer CIBC Run for the Cure. To learn how visit www.cbcf.org .
Posted by shelleyschulte
at 5:14 PM EDT