Shelley's Reasons
Monday, 12 January 2009
Almost at the End!!!

First I want to apologize for taking so long to post an update.  Surgery went well, I am pretty much recoverd from that, just doing physio now to make sure I get all the movement back on that side.  Radiation is going well, its very tiring as it is everyday, I am starting to feel warn down by it, and want to sleep alot ( which is not possible with the schedule I have).  I only have 6 radiation treatments left, so my last one will be one week from today whoohooo!!!!  I am looking forward to not having to drive to the Juravinski center everyday.  I am also looking forward to life returning more to the normal side, at least as far as schedules are concerned, and not having to arrange for someone else to take care of the kids or drive them somewhere or pick them up, I am looking forward to being able to do all of that myself again.


I am feeling well, I have lost about 30 lbs now, I don't think I have been this small since I was in grade 7.  I am looking forward to going back to the gym (have been off since Surgery in November).  Just looking forward to getting back to a humdrum life, with no mention of Cancer, Chemo, Radiation, etc......I know thats just a dream, but no hospital or doctors for awhile will be really nice.... :o)

Posted by shelleyschulte at 11:17 AM EST

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