Shelley's Reasons
Wednesday, 24 September 2008
Chemo #6- Taxol #2..... Finally!

I had my sixth chemo session today.  I was supposed to have it last week, but my blood counts were too low, so it had to be delayed a week.  But all went well today. 


Surgery (Modified Radical Mastecomy) is scheduled for November 3rd.  This will go ahead as long as there are no more delays in the chemo and as long as my blood counts are high enough that day, which may be a problem as it will be only 12 days after my last keep your fingers crossed.


I also had another Ultrasound and the tumour has shrunk to 1 cm from 2.8cm, which is good news, and the lymph node in my armpit is now only 4mm.....not sure what it was to begin with.


Besides all the running around to all of the appointments, everything is going very well, I feel great and life is proceeding somewhat normally.  Although I think Team Schulte is funding a new parking garage at Henderson Hospital!   Too bad parking isn't covered under benefit programs!

Sorry I haven't added more updates, but between appointments, kids, and my business, its very hard to find time to update the website and reply to all of the wonderful emails.

I have also decided that I am feeling well enough to participate in the CIBC Run for the cure, so if anyone wants to donate, here is my link.

Posted by shelleyschulte at 5:46 PM EDT

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