I've started this webpage to try and bring awareness to mom's about the importance of breast self-exams. Especially
during pregnancy and breastfeeding, a time where your breasts are completely out of wack making it harder to find lumps.
Too many young women develop lumps in their breasts during this time and because of the lumpiness and hardness of the breasts,
they don't realize what is actually going on.
My purpose is to get women to do their exams, provide useful links, and any information that I can to help save a life.
My story is here, as well as a blog to keep people udated on my progess, if they're interested.
I hope you enjoy the site and that I inspire you to get to know your breasts and help you find some very compelling reasons
to keep up your monthly exams.
And while the main focus is to encourage women to do their exams, men also need to be aware that this is a disease that
can affect them too. So all you men out there, get to know your breasts too!